Remote Onboarding

  • Why Do You Need Background Checks?

    Why Do You Need Background Checks?

    With exponential technological advances of the 21st century background verification is a necessary process for recruitment practices. In this blog we explore why background checks are a necessity.

  • Continuous Background Checks for Enhanced Compliance

    Continuous Background Checks for Enhanced Compliance

    Employee dynamics are constantly evolving, and it’s important to acknowledge the fluid nature of their circumstances. Address changes, for instance, are not uncommon among employees. Additionally, there might be instances where employees engage in moonlighting, meaning they take up employment with another organization while still working for you, potentially exploiting the work-from-home policy. Moreover, unfortunate…

  • Everything to know about Compensation Verification

    Everything to know about Compensation Verification

    Employee compensation or salary verification is precisely what it sounds like: a prospective employer validating the compensation earned by a…

  • Education Verification Simplified

    Education Verification Simplified

    Education verification validates an employee’s claim about their academic history. Through this verification, attributes such as university/institute name, registration number, year of completion, education level, course name, course length, the field of study, grade, etc. are verified.

  • Employment Verification Process – Learn Everything In 3 Minutes

    Employment Verification Process – Learn Everything In 3 Minutes

    Organizations may have different sets of objectives for employee screening, but the top reason that we observe across HR leads and recruiters is Accountability. A candidate with forged, exaggerated, or counterfeit employment credentials can create several risks for the organization.

  • Is address verification mandatory for employee background verification (BGV)?

    Is address verification mandatory for employee background verification (BGV)?

    Importance of address verification across different work-forces and its implications in adding accountability into the hiring process

  • Address Verification In The Times of Social Distancing

    Address Verification In The Times of Social Distancing

    OnGrid with its vision of smart background verification in India has introduced the all new digital address verification using which address verification can be completed in one day while maintaining the sanctity of social distancing.