• Why eLockr?

    Why eLockr?

    eLockr is a free platform that not only streamlines the ex-employee verification process but also automates it.  With eLockr, all you need to do is issue digital credentials to your ex-employees when they leave, and eLockr will take care of the rest.

  • Re-imagine Onboarding with Instant Employment History Check

    Re-imagine Onboarding with Instant Employment History Check

    Hiring the right candidate is one of the most critical decisions an organization can make. Ensuring this decision is informed…

  • Top 10 Background Verification Companies in India

    Top 10 Background Verification Companies in India

    Today background verification (BGV) isn’t optional—it’s a necessity. From startups to Fortune 500 companies, businesses rely on fast, accurate, and…

  • Everything to know about Compensation Verification

    Everything to know about Compensation Verification

    Employee compensation or salary verification is precisely what it sounds like: a prospective employer validating the compensation earned by a…

  • Issue documents to ex-employees using eLockr

    Issue documents to ex-employees using eLockr

    Imagine if you could access all your digitally verifiable documents (eg. experience letters, payslips, etc.) issued by all your ex-employers at one single place, accessible by logging in using email-OTP or mobile number-OTP.

  • eLockr – Empowering Modern India

    eLockr – Empowering Modern India

    Use eLockr for Issuing formal employment credentials (equivalent to experience certificates) to ex-employees. Similar credentials for while-collar professionals or blue-collar professionals. Even for people who were in a contractual job.

  • Background Verification – Results, Status, and Color Codes

    Background Verification – Results, Status, and Color Codes

    Parameterization of outcomes is critically important for implementing a successful BGV program. The importance of color codes is only relevant as a quick indicator, and organizations must look at the results (and the details in the reports) while trying to interpret BGV results.

  • Education Verification Simplified

    Education Verification Simplified

    Education verification validates an employee’s claim about their academic history. Through this verification, attributes such as university/institute name, registration number, year of completion, education level, course name, course length, the field of study, grade, etc. are verified.

  • Employment Verification Process – Learn Everything In 3 Minutes

    Employment Verification Process – Learn Everything In 3 Minutes

    Organizations may have different sets of objectives for employee screening, but the top reason that we observe across HR leads and recruiters is Accountability. A candidate with forged, exaggerated, or counterfeit employment credentials can create several risks for the organization.

  • Disrupting Employee Verification Process in the 21st century

    Disrupting Employee Verification Process in the 21st century

    Organizations are now rapidly adopting “Lockers” to issue employment records for their ex-employees. These lockers are secure digital repositories that can be used by new employers (or any organization interested in verifying previous employment history) to instantly verify employment records.