How OnGrid helped India’s leading IT Firm Achieve 99% Reduction In Onboarding Time

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In the fast-paced world of IT, a leading Indian consulting and services company, known for its innovation, faced a roadblock: a slow and cumbersome background verification (BGV) process. This 15-day ordeal not only delayed onboarding but also resulted in losing top talent who wouldn’t wait. Additionally, inaccuracies and manual efforts plagued the system.


The Challenge: Speed Up, Without Sacrificing Accuracy

The company needed a solution that expedited the offer rollout process while maintaining thorough due diligence. They wanted a first-level verification system to confirm candidate details efficiently, ensuring operational excellence without compromising background check accuracy.

The Traditional Approach: Slow and Frustrating

The traditional BGV process was a major bottleneck. It was:

  • Time-consuming: Taking up to 15 days per candidate.
  • Inaccurate: Manual efforts led to inconsistencies.
  • Resource-intensive: Required significant effort to address data gaps.
  • Detrimental to business: Caused offer fallouts and delayed project deployments due to slow onboarding.

The Solution: A Strategic Partnership

The company partnered with OnGrid, a tech innovator specializing in digital identity and BGV solutions. OnGrid, with its focus on customized technology and industry understanding, was impressed with their proposal – a strategic partnership to transform the BGV process entirely.

From 15 Days to 4 Hours: A Dramatic Improvement

OnGrid’s suite of pre-verification checks, including the Criminal and Court Record Verification (CCRV), Employment History Check (EHC), Global database check, CV check, Employment verification, PAN, Voter ID, Passport, DL & Address Validation, promised a complete overhaul for nearly 3000 candidates.

Know More

The transition was smooth, with dedicated support and training for the HR team. The results were remarkable.

  • Efficient verification of nearly 3,000 candidates.
  • Faster onboarding, reducing costs and delays.
  • Minimized project deployment wait times.
  • Reports delivered within 24 hours.

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